Our Agency was established by a group of professionals whose main concern is providing quality care to patients in the comfort of their own home.

We provide services to homebound patients with a wide range of diagnosis. Pursuant to Title VI, of the Civil Rights Acts of 1964, 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1975, Warm Springs Home Health, Inc. does not refuse services to or employment to or in any other way or discriminate against any person on the basis of sex, age, sexual orientation, mental or physical handicap, race, color, religion and ancestry or origin.

Warm Springs Home Health, Inc. helps restore the maximum function and enhance the well being of the patient and family by comprehensive care.

our mission

Warm Springs Home Health, Inc’s mission is to provide high quality , safe and cost effective nursing and rehabilitation and supportive services to patients.

our philosophy

We believe that health care is a basic human right. It must be available to anyone, coordinated and provided in a complete way, combined with other human services when necessary.

Nurses dispense COMFORT, COMPASSION & CARING without even a PRESCRIPTION.
— Anonymous